A Trusted Industrial Accident Attorney Standing Up For You
When you suffer on-the-job industrial injuries, you deserve a legal advocate who will put you and your needs first. I am industrial accident lawyer Drew D. Dalton, and I am here for you. At my Spokane-based firm of We Care Legal, PLLC, I prioritize your personal well-being. I am committed to helping you pursue the workers’ compensation you need to cope with the impacts of your Washington industrial accident.
What Are The Consequences Of Industrial Accidents?
You can face many potential safety hazards at warehouses, plants, factories and other industrial workplaces. They can lead to a wide range of serious harm, such as
- Repetitive motion injuries: Including carpal tunnel syndrome, bursitis, tendonitis and rotator cuff injuries.
- Occupational diseases: Including hearing loss, dermatitis and certain types of cancer
- Chemical exposure injuries: Including those resulting from exposure to lead, asbestos, benzene, mercury and chlorine.
- Physical trauma: Including fall injuries, broken bones, back injuries and traumatic brain injuries
I represent victims of all types of industrial injuries and illnesses.
What Should You Do If You Suffer Industrial Injuries?
If you suffer harm at an industrial workplace, taking the right steps is crucial:
- Report the Injury/illness: Notify your employer as soon as possible
- Get medical care: Even work injuries that may not seem like a big deal may have hidden effects that require prompt treatment
- Document the accident: Gather evidence such as photos, witness statements and relevant medical records
- Reach out to an experienced industrial accident lawyer: This can be key in protecting your rights
- File a workers’ compensation claim: Begin the process of pursuing benefits for medical treatment, lost wages, etc.
I can guide you on your options and advocate for you throughout your workers’ comp case.
Helping You Overcome Challenges
Challenges can arise for industrial workers when it comes to workers’ comp claims. For example, many industrial injuries and illnesses develop slowly over time, which can make proving their cause difficult. While navigating the claims process can be daunting, you don’t have to do it alone. I will craft customized strategies for you to address any hurdles you face in getting the benefits you need.
Get Your Free Consultation Today
Let’s discuss your situation and explore your workers’ compensation options. Get a free consultation on your industrial accident case by calling 509-537-0388 or sending me an email.